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Jeremy Cabbage and the Living Museum of Human Oddballs and Quadruped Delights
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Jeremy Cabbage and the Living Museum of Human Oddballs and Quadruped Delights
Author:Elliott David (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Jeremy Cabbage is an orphan stuck at Harpwitchs Home for Mean Dogs, Ugly Cats, and Strey Children, where the dogs are treated better than the kids. And things arent much better on the outside: the city is ruled by the arrogant and foolish Baron Ignatius von Strompi, whose Wisdom Wagons ride the streets blaring out gems like Ignorance is bliss, and whos on a campaign to stamp out anyone different. At the top of his list are the cloons, outlandish people who look and act like clowns. Jeremys only chance is a good adoptionbut who would possibly adopt Jeremy, an unloved, unwanted 11-year-old? The answer sets Jeremy off on an outrageous, comical adventure that could bring him face to face with the Baron himself.From the Hardcover edition.

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