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Talented Mr Ripley
Boy Who Followed Ripley
Ripley Under Water
Lemon Grove
Автор: Walsh Helen (EN)
Author:Webb Catherine (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Sam Linnifer returns to continue what he started in Waywalkers and rid the world of the deadly plots and schemes of the elder gods. But with Seth, Jehovah and Thor now in control of the dread Pandora Spirits Sam knows Earth's only hope may rest in his unleashing the Light. But the power bestowed upon him at birth by his father Time could have deadly consequences for Sam himself. For in unleashing the Light, Sam must touch the minds of every human on Earth. To save the world, Sam may have to destroy himself...Timekeepers is the stunning follow up to the acclaimed Waywalkers. You'll meet Firedancers in London on a rainy summer night, walk the Ways between Earth and Heaven with Bhudda, hole up in a sleazy German bar with Adam, and find yourself trusting the one person you never dreamed you would. In a war between Gods, where Earth is the battle ground and humans are expendable, you'll need to have more than just sympathy for the Devil.

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