In this ebook exclusive, Boston Globe film critic Ty Burr introduces the fifty films every movie lover must know.This carefully curated list of great movies spans over a century of filmmaking, from the silent era to the last decade, from American favorites to international classics. Including recognized masterpieces such as "City Lights" and "Casablanca," as well as more recent movies like "Aliens" and "Fight Club," Burr has given readers what is essentially an engaging, accessible Film 101 class. Short entries discuss the significance of each movie, the reason for its greatness, and why it has become a part of our shared culture of movie-making. He also includes suggestions for further viewing, delving deeper into the works of featured directors like Hitchcock, Fellini, Sturges, and Kurosawa. In a media environment that gives endless entertainment optionsincluding an intimidating amount of medicore filmsTy Burr has written an expert guide to the movies that are guaranteed to please readers, and increase their cinematic knowledge. It is a perfect book for movie-lovers who are just getting acquainted with the immense catalog of great cinema available to us today.