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Wolf's Cross
Автор: Swann S. A. (EN)
Game of Cages
Diary One
Автор: Martin Ann M. (EN)
Author:Priest Cherie (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    VAMPIRE FOR HIRE Raylene Pendle (AKA Cheshire Red), a vampire and world-renowned thief, doesn't usually hang with her own kind. She's too busy stealing priceless art and rare jewels. But when the infuriatingly charming Ian Stott asks for help, Raylene finds him impossible to resisteven though Ian doesn't want precious artifacts. He wants her to retrieve missing government filesdocuments that deal with the secret biological experiments that left Ian blind. What Raylene doesn't bargain for is a case that takes her from the wilds of Minneapolis to the mean streets of Atlanta. And with a psychotic, power-hungry scientist on her trail, a kick-ass drag queen on her side, and Men in Black popping up at the most inconvenient moments, the case proves to be one hell of a ride.From the Trade Paperback edition.

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