In an age where reality and science fiction are colliding, Richard Coxs extraordinary debut thriller takes its place as an all-too-believable novel of white-knuckle adventure. For when an ordinary man makes one great leap for mankind, he triggers a chain of events that endangers his life, fractures his certainty, and plunges everyone he knows into a place where nothing is what it seems.Cameron Fisher is bored. With his wife, Misty. With his job as an accountant at NeuroStor, the high-tech microchip firm. With everything about his lifeuntil he is offered five million dollars to test a secret new technology that uses a wrinkle in quantum physics to transmit matter from one place to another. His employers high-stakes brainchild is ready for its first human test. And Cameron Fisher is all too happy to oblige.One moment Cameron is sitting naked in a seven-by-seven-foot metal room in Houston; the next second he is in a laboratory in Phoenixtrembling now not with fear but joy. Within hours, Cameron will be free to go home. But first there is a celebratory drinkand a strange and scintillating meeting with a spectacularly beautiful woman. Then hes being followed by men with guns . . . and suddenly Cameron is running, stumbling, falling into a world that looks like his own, but in which he has become a ragged stranger, accused of murder and pursued by people who want him dead. It appears that NeuroStors invention has changed Cameron. Next, it will change the entire world.With its stunning twists, sensual adventure, and raw, psychological suspense, Rift takes readers on a thrill-a-second ride to one last amazing choice for Cameron Fisher. A gripping and utterly satisfying work of storytelling magic, Rift asks the ultimate question: What if you had to die to find out what it really means to be alive?From the Hardcover edition.