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Литмир - Электронная Библиотека > Xu Dr Feng (EN) > Women Migrant Workers in China's Economic Reform
Women Migrant Workers in China's Economic Reform
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Women Migrant Workers in China's Economic Reform
Author:Xu Dr Feng (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Women Migrant Workers in China's Economic Reform studies unmarried women migrant workers in China. As international migrants in China's richest province, they work in silk, one of China's oldest and most symbolically-charged industries. Through extensive interviews and a wide-ranging interpretation of the secondary literature, this book brings an interdisciplinary approach to its study of power and identity. Gender, class, and local identities matter in the factories and streets of a one-industry town, and municipal and factory leaders seek to rework these over-shifting forces to build a low-cost, reliable labour force. The women in question seek to rework these disadvantages by the same forces, have other aspirations!

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