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Theory of Particulate Processes 2e
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Theory of Particulate Processes 2e
Author:Ranodolph Alan (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Theory of Particulate Processes: Analysis and Techniques of Continuous Crystallization, Second Edition covers the numerous population balance-based particulate studies. This edition emerged from the notes for an industrial short course on crystallization.This book is divided into 10 chapters and begins with an outline of the methods for representation of particle distributions and a systematic approach to the predictive modeling of processes where there is a need to characterize distributions in time and space and by some identifying property. The succeeding chapters provide a specific and more elementary approach to modeling crystal size distributions, as well as the modeling the kinetics of crystal nucleation and growth rates. Other chapters discuss a wide range of system analysis and design considerations specific to crystallization for both the steady state and unsteady state. The final chapters illustrate the use of a population balance analysis to interpret data from both laboratory and process equipment. These chapters also explore a wide variety of particulate processes and systems for which the population balance analysis is useful.This book is of great value to graduate students with particulate systems course.

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