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High Collection Nonimaging Optics
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Автор: Heath Michele (EN)
High Collection Nonimaging Optics
Author:Welford W.T. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    High Collection Nonimaging Optics covers the many developments and the wider range of applications of nonimaging optics. This book is organized into 11 chapters that emphasize the application of nonimaging optics to concentrators for solar energy. This text begins with discussions on the development of formalisms in nonimaging optics, specifically in the use of geometrical vector flux concept, which have led to entirely different concentrator designs. These topics are followed by a description of the so-called compound parabolic concentrator, the prototype of a series of nonimaging concentrators that approach very close to being ideal and having the maximum theoretical concentration ratio. The next chapters examine the concept of the flow line approach to nonimaging concentration; the geometrical optics model of nonimaging optics; and constructional tolerances and manufacturing methods for nonimaging optical components. A chapter highlights the applications of concentrator designs to solar energy concentrations. The last chapter surveys the applications of nonimaging optics to optical system design and to instrument design, with particular reference to utilization of light sources with maximum efficiency. This book will be of great benefit to nonimaging optics scientists and design engineers.

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