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Литмир - Электронная Библиотека > Gibson Dawn-Marie (EN) > History of the Nation of Islam: Race, Islam, and the Quest for Freedom
History of the Nation of Islam: Race, Islam, and the Quest for Freedom
Author:Gibson Dawn-Marie (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The release of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's extensive archive of surveillance files, interviews, and firsthand accounts has made it possible to reveal the truth behind the myths and misperceptions about the Nation of Islam. This comprehensive resource catalogues the times, places, and people that shaped the philosophies from its formative years through to its present incarnation.The definitive source on the subject, A History of The Nation of Islam: Race, Islam, and the Quest for Freedom draws on over a dozen interviews, along with archival and rarely-used sources. The book departs from the usual "Malcolm X-centric" treatment of the subject, and instead examines the early leadership of Fard Muhammad, challenges conventional views on Malcolm X, and explores the present day internal politics of the movement post Louis Farrakhan's retirement.

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