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Educated Parent 2: Child Rearing in the 21st Century, 2nd Edition
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Educated Parent 2: Child Rearing in the 21st Century, 2nd Edition
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Taking up where the 2004 edition of The Educated Parent left off, Child Rearing in the 21st Century is a must-have guide to parenting best practices. Author Joseph D. Sclafani, a psychologist and family therapist, highlights the different approaches to child rearing and provides practical advice about which approaches work best and why.Topics covered range from the role of the parent as supporter/protector to the efficacy of daycare and the ways parents can prepare for and assist in a child's education. The book also looks at parenting after a divorce, at the importance of fathers in children's lives, and at such 21st-century issues as cyberbullying and the anxiety-producing effects of societal pressures. One of the unique aspects of the book is that it presents and explains expert knowledge from journals and research studies that are often inaccessible to the everyday reader. Centers of parenting advice such as the Internet and parenting magazines are evaluated as well.

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