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Practical Portfolios: Reading, Writing, Math, and Life Skills, Grades 3-6
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Practical Portfolios: Reading, Writing, Math, and Life Skills, Grades 3-6
Author:Delario Karen (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Using portfolios is a great way to build skills, reinforce learning, communicate achievements, and prepare students for future challenges. Packed with reproducibles, mini-lessons, and ideas, this guide provides everything you need to easily launch a successful portfolio program. It gives directions for students on how to assemble, organize, and maintain their portfolios and offers teachers convenient mini-lessons for developing and completing rubrics for evaluation. Guidelines for student-led parent conferences where students learn how to share their portfolios and their accumulated examples of accomplishments are also included. Grades 3-6.

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