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Election 2012: A Time for Choosing (The RealClearPolitics Political Download)
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Election 2012: A Time for Choosing (The RealClearPolitics Political Download)
Author:Bevan Tom (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Real Clear Politics' in-depth account of the 2012 primary battles of the Republican Party and the look ahead to the race between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama With intimate access to the White House, GOP candidates, and their campaign staffs, Real Clear Politics is the latest in a series of e-originals written by veteran RCP journalists Tom Bevan and Carl Cannon. With up-to-the-minute newsbreaking material, Real Clear Politics gives an insider's perspective on the many struggles the candidates had over the course of the primaries, including Romney's inability to put away his competition; how Gingrich, a great counterpuncher in debates, ultimately was done in by an inability to defend himself; the unlikely success of Rick Santorum, who later became a lightning rod for critics over social issues; and the ';kitchen sink' approach that Obama's message team is adopting for attacking Romney. All of these key moments and issues, as well as a careful survey of the terrain ahead for the general election (the challenges and strategies for both candidates and the latest insights into Romney's possible vice presidential nominee), are sure to make Real Clear Politics the must-read ebook for understanding the 2012 campaign.

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