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Forgive One Another
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Forgive One Another
Author:Chisholm Gloria (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Rooted in the theory that it takes twenty-one days to build a habit, each of Gloria Chisholm's warm, practical One Another books is composed of twenty-one daily readings designed to help you make positive life changes that benefit you and those you love.Make Forgiveness a Habit You Won't Want to Break.For most of us, the act of forgiveness requires great force of will. Extension of grace is rare and demands a conscious choice. Yet if we are to obey Christ's teachings and follow his example, we must be willing to consistently forgive those in our lives who seem the least forgivable. We must commit not just to granting the occasional pardon, but to totally embracing a lifestyle of forgiveness. Through practical, everyday examples, Forgive One Another reveals how you can work through bitterness and betrayal and come to a place where you habitually, persistently, and lovingly offer compassion and forgiveness, as Christ commands. LEARN HOW TO FORGIVE THE UNFORGIVABLE. FIND RELEASE FROM THE PRISON OF BITTERNESS AND HOSTILITY CONNECTED TO PAST OFFENSES.LEARN TO SEE FORGIVENESS AS A PROCESS RATHER THAN A ONE-TIME EVENT.GET HELP FOR STUCK RELATIONSHIPS.Gloria Chisholm is a writer, editor, and Writer's Digest instructor. She has written several non-fiction books, including Love One Another, The Passionate Edge, Huddle Up, and Encourage One Another. Her passion for writing keeps her in demand as a speaker at writers' workshops around the country. Prior to writing full time, Gloria was the managing editor of Parents of Teenagers magazine. She lives in the Seattle area and is the mother of five grown children.From the Trade Paperback edition.

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