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Craft of Interviewing
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Craft of Interviewing
Author:Brady John (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    John Brady, editor of Writer's Digest and himself an accomplished interviewer, has put together an indispensable guide to the art of questioning. In a lively, down-to-earth manner, The Craft of Interviewing covers all aspects of the interview process -- getting the interview, doing research, handling the subject face-to-face, hurdling hazards, getting tough, taking notes (on the sly, if need be), taping, dealing with off-the-record types, concluding the interview, verifying it, and writing it up. Brady has also filled the book with a myriad of anecdotes revealing the experiences of some of the best known interviewers of our times. A noteworthy appendix on the history of the interview is included.From the Trade Paperback edition.

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