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Uneasy Rider
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Uneasy Rider
Author:Bryan Mike (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Engagingly curious open-mindedness . . . an amiable deadpan worthy of Richard Ford.--Pico Iyer, Timein this offbeat and original road book, cultural observer Mike Bryan takes issue with the traditional idea that the real America is to be found somewhere on our scenic backroads. He argues instead that it is right out in the open on the interstates, and he travels the big highways of the Southwest to prove the point. Bryan engages motel operators, state troopers, and traveling salesmen. He discovers the world's only No Smoking ranch; hobnobs with elusive novelist Cormac McCarthy; spars with Bob Sundown, who prefers his covered wagon to any car. Between encounters he contemplates everything from America's pioneering spirit to its history of road building. In the end, he discovers that the interstates, far from producing the homogenous society he feared, nourish a rich community of eccentrics. And that ultimately, as this deeply romantic travelogue shows, there is no such thing as an ordinary American.A wonderful writer, he manages to transmit his enjoyment of the places and people he encounters.--Austin American-StatesmanFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

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