Complete the Cycle of Grace How sweet the soundit saved a wretch like you. Its amazing. But has Gods grace changed you? Is it changing others through you? Richard Blackaby explores what may be causing you to miss out on an abundant life of grace, and how simply knowing about it is a far cry from embracing a grace-filled lifestyle. Once you fully experience and grasp its essence, you cant help but practice Gods undeserved favor by passing it on to everyone around you. Grace shares a close relationship with love, is never static, and is always searching for those willing to receive it. This book focuses on pointed and practical life application so that you can attain the power of gracious living today! Let Gods Grace Flow Through You Gods grace is so boundless, so contrary to human nature, and so unconditionally given that you will never understand it until you give it away. Get ready to be washed in pure joy, renewed by a fresh sense of gratitude for the rich, undeserved favor God continually bestows upon you. Dr. Richard Blackaby explores what it means to make Gods grace a lifestyle and how it will become personal, practical, and recognizable in your life. Youll discover: What genuine grace is and what it is not The power of life words and the devastation of death words The secret to establishing a grace-filled home How to recognize grace-giving opportunities Ways to extend grace when you dont think you can Unable to deny His unconditional love, or even to keep it to yourself, soon grace will have a face. And the reflection in your mirror will tell its story. Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound Its a living, breathing testament to the depth of Gods love. You dont deserve it, but youve got it. So, what are you doing with Gods amazing grace? Many Christians sing of its sweet sound, but fail to extend it to othersmissing the point entirely. Putting a Face on Grace provides practical ways you can become a conduit of Gods grace to those around you. Dr. Richard Blackabys personal stories will have you nodding in agreement, laughing with empathetic understanding, and eagerly embracing a new life worth passing on. You will become the essential element that keeps Gods life-giving grace flowing. And if you think youre unworthy of such an honor, thats good. Thats grace Story Behind the BookMuch has been said about Gods grace. Observing it, defining it, soaking it in. But little has been said about bringing it full circle, to the point where we freely receive and give it on a daily basis. This is what lifestyle grace is all about. Richard Blackabys book hits a market in need, and reinvents grace for us allexploding our understanding of this tremendous gift and bringing it into a new, tangible dimension.From the Trade Paperback edition.