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Get the Life You Really Want (Quick Reads)
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Get the Life You Really Want (Quick Reads)
Author:Caan James (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    It is possible to get the life you really want? You just need to change the way you think.ln the thirty years I've spent in business I've learned how to build a very successful company. Using the same business methods, you can build a successful life.Do you want to get back into work after a break? Perhaps you've always dreamed of setting up your own caf ? Or maybe you just need more time for yourself? I've come up with a ten-point plan to help you achieve your goals, whatever they may be.I'll show you how to manage your time and money. You'll find out how to set your priorities and communicate well with other people. You'll learn to change how you think so you can use my business sense in everyday life.Get the Life You Really Want by James Caan, the business guru and Dragons' Den star, shows you how to work towards your own goals to shape the future that you really want

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