Using Foucault's genealogical method, Tyrone Kirchengast's unique and fascinating study traces the history and development of the victim from feudal law to the present day, arguing that the historical power of the victim to police, prosecute and punish offenders significantly informed the development of the modern criminal law and justice system. Arguing for the need to reposition the victim for the twenty-first century, Kirchengast casts the victim as an agent of change, presenting a new perspective for the relevance of the victim in today's justice system.Focusing on key themes relevant to the victim of crime, including the power of private prosecution, public prosecution, policing, punishment, the victim rights movement and attempts to redefine victimhood, this groundbreaking study provides a new conceptualization of the notion of the victim. Drawing on vast historical materials, and including the UK, Australian and American experience, this book will be essential reading for victimologists and criminologists.