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Women Writers and Public Debate in 17th-Century Britain
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Women Writers and Public Debate in 17th-Century Britain
Author:Gray Catharine (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    This book reveals that seventeenth-century women?s very marginality to traditional institutions of church and state made them catalysts for imagining an expanded public culture beyond these institutions. Women authors such as the conduct writer Dorothy Leigh, the prophet Sarah Wight, and the poet Katherine Philips recast sites of private dialogue?the extended family, the religious coventicle, and the poetic coterie?as the bases of public debate that crossed national borders. By revealing women writers? key role in the heated controversies of this period, Gray offers a new reading of those struggles as fractured by private affiliation and extended by transnational alliance.

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