This book focuses on American society as a transglobal nation and examines the temporal dimension of diasporic incorporation in New York City. It argues that immigrant neighborhoods are faced not only with issues of economic and political integration, but also are engaged in a sublime and relentless effort of harmonizing the cultural rhythms of their daily life with the hegenomic temporality of mainstream society. Although much energy has been spent in explaining the segregated or ghettoized space of ethnic communitiies, there is, in contrast, a dearth of data on the subalternization, genealogy, and inscription of minoritized temporalities in the structural and interactional organization of the multicultural American City.The study of Ney York City, through an analysis of diasporic temporalities in their relation to the mainstream community and the homeland, provides a productive point of view for decoding the urban multicutluralism of the metropolis. Throughout the book, it is argued that the interaction between the dominant and subaltern temporalities is wholly mediated by crisscrossing global flows that are constitutive of the local scene. In this global context, time equity has emerged as an ethnic project undertaken to undermine time subjugation that is a factor of discrimination and to bring about the advent of a temporally multiculturalized and multiculturally temporized democracy. Until the issue of equity is resolved, the democratic process will remain an unfinished project of modernity.