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Managing Workplace Bullying
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Managing Workplace Bullying
Author:Oade Aryanne (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Are you subject to bullying behavior at work? Are you responsible for managing someone who uses bullying behavior on a regular basis? Do you want to know how to offer effective support to a friend or family member who is being bullied in the workplace? Perhaps you want to know what constitutes bullying behavior at work and what does not. Perhaps you want to be able to makesense of and better understand the dynamic at the heart of a bullying relationship. Perhaps you want to know how to respond effectively to incidents of bullying behavior aimed at you or which you encounter in your team or in your workplace. Or perhaps you simply want to understand what your friend or family member is going through while they are subject to workplace bullying. If so, this book is for you. Managing Workplace Bullying guides you through a highly practical and insightful process. It will help you to recognize and react effectively to bullying behavior at work. The book is full of realistic examples of bullying behavior, its consequences for those affected by it and strategies and tactics which will be effective at handling or managing it. The book will introduce you to an effective toolkit which will enable you to recognize bullying behavior and identify and select effective strategies forhandling bullying at work.

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