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Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils: Mathematics
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Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils: Mathematics
Author:McClure Lynne (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils: Mathematics provides specific guidance on: recognising high ability and potential planning, differentiation, extension and enrichment in Mathematicss teacher questioning skills support for more able pupils with special educational needs (dyslexia, ADHD, sensory impairment) homework recording and assessment beyond the classroom: visits, competitions, summer schools, masterclasses, links with universities, businesses and other organisations. The book includes comprehensive appendices with linked resources available online that feature: lesson plans and examples of activities departmental procedures and action plans identification strategies guidance on auditing provision for more able pupils. This book is an essential resource for secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, leading teachers for G&T Education (gifted and talented co-ordinators), SENCos and LA advisers.

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