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Passing Your Weak Subjects
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Passing Your Weak Subjects
Author:Palmer Richard (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Do you have a weak subject you just have to pass? Ideal for students of any subject, this highly accessible and practical study guide gives you quick and easy strategies to help you make decisive progress in the subjects you find difficult or uninteresting, leaving you free to concentrate on the subjects you love. Richard Palmer draws on his extensive experience of secondary school teaching to give proven subject-specific advice that will help students from 15-19 show you how to understand more about a topic through both online and traditional study help you get to grips with topics you find difficult without cramming you with random facts provide top tips for the essentials to learn and understand on a subject-by-subject basis The book is organised to take you through the learning process from 'Facing it' through to 'Enjoying it' - yes, that's right! The author's light-hearted yet authoritative style makes this book really easy to read and his simple and practical advice will enable you to become a confident learner in no time at all.

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