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Instant Notes in Physiological Psychology
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Instant Notes in Physiological Psychology
Author:Wagner Hugh (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Instant Notes in Physiological Psychology provides a succinct overview of the key topics in physiological psychology, providing easy access to the core information in the field. Although physiological psychology is a required component of most degrees, the authors recognise that many students come from non-scientific backgrounds and may find the subject daunting. This book covers all of the essential topics in a format that is ideal for learning and rapid revision for students from all backgrounds. It can serve as a core text, supplemented by readings in the original literature, as a reference guide for students and lecturers alike, or as an ideal revision revision guide prior to exams.Instant Notes in Physiological Psychology is primarily intended for students taking a first course in the subject, but can also be used as an introduction to the field for undergraduates and graduates from other subject areas.

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