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Assessment and Learning in the Primary School
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Assessment and Learning in the Primary School
Author:Wragg E. C. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    This is an innovative yet practical resource book for teachers, focusing on the classroom and covering vital skills for primary and secondary teachers. The book is strongly influenced by the findings of numerous research projects during which hundreds of teachers were observed at work. This book addresses both formal and informal ways of assessing children's work and progress. Pupils' learning is often neglected in the debate, so this book puts what children actually learn right at its centre. Divided into six units, Ted Wragg addresses important topics such as: * principles and purposes of assessment* written, oral and practical evaluation* self-assessment the 'whole school' approach* staff development and appraisal. The inclusion of practical activities, discussion topics, photographs, cartoons and case examples makes this a very user-friendly book for both trainee and experienced teachers in primary schools.

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