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Aspects of Contemporary France
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Aspects of Contemporary France
Author:Perry Sheila (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    France is defined by claims of uniqueness made by or about the French. Aspects of Contemporary France illuminates the contemporary economic, cultural, political and social climate of France. Using a multidisciplinary approach, this book explains the historical background to controversial issues. It also traces France's road to nationhood through religion, language and territory.Each chapter is by a specialist in the field and is based on the most up to date information and research. Beginning with the present day, the book traces the historical background to events and provides a context for evaluation. The wide-ranging and varied themes covered include:* political parties* regions in the market place* television and film* women* secularism and Islam* linguistic policies* French consumersThe book also offers a helpful chronology at the end of each chapter, a detailed bibliography and a recommended reading list.Aspects of Contemporary France presents an analytical as well as informative appraoch to French Studies. It provides a readily accessible but in-depth understanding for students of France or French civilization at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

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