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Effective Schools for Disaffected Students
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Автор: Brunt Stephen (EN)
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Effective Schools for Disaffected Students
Author:Cooper Paul (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Disaffected pupils respond well in circumstances where they feel secure, where they have a sense of being valued and respected, and where they perceive there to be opportunities for them to succeed. Effective Schools for Disaffected Students offers insights into how these outcomes might be achieved in both mainstream and segregated settings. The investigation is based on the views of pupils who have been excluded from mainstream schools for pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties. The author relates the pupils' experiences of the different types of school to research in the area of school effectiveness. He offers some practical guidelines on ways in which teachers and managers can work towards reducing disaffection in schools within the real life contexts in which they occur. The book will appeal to anybody whose concerns are with the everday realities of schooling.

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