The fifth edition of this popular collection of fifty-one anatomical case studies, now co-authored by an anatomist and general surgeon, covers all the major regions of the body: head and neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis and perineum, and limbs. Each case study includes the patients history, physical exam results, diagnosis, therapy, and a discussion of the findings from the anatomical viewpoint. The discussion becomes the heart of each case by skillfully evolving the logic required to make a diagnosis and prescribe therapy. The cases are ably designed to encourage critical thinking and problem solving. The clarity of Lachmans well-known writing style has been preserved throughout the book. Nineteen new cases including three covering developmental embryology have been added to the text and all other chapters have been updated to reflect the newest diagnostic procedures and current therapies. Twenty-five new radiographic figures, including MRI studies, have been added. This edition also offers review questions and answers at end of each section. Lachmans Case Studies in Anatomy, 5th edition succeeds in bridging the gap between theoretical anatomy and its application at the bedside, offering a superb demonstration of anatomical reasoning in clinical settings.