Литмир - Электронная Библиотека
Литмир - Электронная Библиотека > Cumbler John T. (EN) > Reasonable Use: The People, the Environment, and the State, New England 1790-1930
Reasonable Use: The People, the Environment, and the State, New England 1790-1930
Author:Cumbler John T. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    This book is a study of the impact of industrialization and urbanization on the environment of New England in general and the Connecticut River Valley in particular, and of the varied public responses the impact engendered. The narrative engages the reader with biographical vignettes woven into the larger narrative and crosses several historical fields by combining industrial, urban, environmental, legal, and political history.

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