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Theory of Critical Phenomena: An Introduction to the Renormalization Group
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Theory of Critical Phenomena: An Introduction to the Renormalization Group
Author:Binney J. J. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The successful calculation of critical exponents for continuous phase transitions is one of the main achievements of theoretical physics over the last quarter-century. This was achieved through the use of scaling and field-theoretic techniques which have since become standard equipment in many areas of physics, especially quantum field theory. This book provides a thorough introduction to these techniques. Continuous phase transitions are introduced, then the necessary statistical mechanics is summarized, followed by standard models, some exact solutions and techniques for numerical simulations. The real-space renormalization group and mean-field theory are then explained and illustrated. The final chapters cover the Landau-Ginzburg model, from physical motivation, through diagrammatic perturbation theory and renormalization to therenormalization group and the calculation of critical exponents above and below the critical temperature.

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