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Procurement of Utilities: Law and Practice
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Procurement of Utilities: Law and Practice
Author:Collinson Matthew (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Aimed primarily at non-regulatory lawyers this book provides a practical guide to transactions involving utilities and in particular the procurement of goods and services from utilities (rather than by utilities). Focusing on the law of England and Wales, the book covers the regulation of utilities including gas, electricity, water, sewerage, and telecommunications. It also addresses the relevant competition law as well as considering matters relating to renewable energy, consumer protection, property, and planning issues commonly encountered in relation to utilities. The regulatory position is considered at every stage of development of the utility network starting with the purchaser's initial discussions with the utility, then the construction of the network, the flowing of gas, electricity or water, and concluding with the disconnection of the end customer. Practically focused, the book draws upon the author's experience working with utilities, developers, funders and contractors at all levels of the supply chain, on projects ranging from three-unit housing developments to some of the world's most ambitious energy infrastructure projects.

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