Литмир - Электронная Библиотека
Forensic Psychiatry
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Автор: Nine Cara (EN)
Flip-Flop Club
Forensic Psychiatry
Author:Whyte Seán (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Forensic Psychiatry is the first book to cover the clinical, legal and ethical issues for the treatment of mentally disordered offenders for all of the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland jurisdictions. Written by an expert interdisciplinary team from the fields of both law and psychiatry, including the eminent Nigel Eastman who has engaged with many high-profile legal cases, this is a comprehensive and up-to-date guide which includes clinicalobservations, guidance and ethical advice across the psychiatric discipline.Uniquely focusing on the interface between psychiatry and law and including suggestions, using case examples, on how to navigate this interface successfully, this book contains clear guidance on all aspects of forensic psychiatry, for both mental health and legal professionals. It also contains extensive cross-referencing which allows the reader to access all the relevant clinical, legal and ethical information quickly and effectively.Alongside the practical advice on managing clinical and legal situations, there are also case examples, summaries of relevant legislation and introductions to different ethical approaches and clinical observations, derived from the experience of the authors. Also included are brief summaries of important legal cases and inquiries relevant to the subject.

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