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Development of Plato's Political Theory
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Development of Plato's Political Theory
Author:Klosko George (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Since its publication twenty years ago, the first edition of this work has been the closest thing to a standard book on Plato's political theory. Like the first edition, this edition of The Development of Plato's Political Theory provides a clear, scholarly account of Plato's political theory in the context of the social and political events of his time, and draws connections between the development of his political theory and other aspects of his philosophy,especially his moral psychology. Special attention is paid to the political nature of Plato's political theory, to how his lifelong concern with questions of moral and political reform evolved along with other aspects of his theory, and to both Socrates' and his own efforts to reform actual cities. Thissecond edition has been thoroughly revised to take into account scholarly developments during the last twenty years. Major changes from the first edition include reworking central aspects of chapters on the Statesman and Laws and detailed discussion of questions of interpretation, how Plato's dialogues should be read. Among other subjects receiving increased attention are Plato's alleged totalitarianism and racism and the place of the nocturnal council in the political theory of theLaws.

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