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How To Surf
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How To Surf
Author:Masterson Miles (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    How To Surf is the comprehensive guide to learning how to surf in South Africa. With all you need to know about the surfing lifestyle in SA, this book gives you the knowledge and skills needed to achieve the ultimate freedom of riding the ocean's waves. From understanding the weather and how waves are created, to how they break and where, and what conditions are best for beginners, through to beach safety and equipment, all the important aspects of surfing are covered. There are detailed step-by-step illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions to the most basic manoeuvres, such as standing up and carving, through to complex ones such as vertical re-entries, tube riding, floaters and aerials. Chapters on surfing history, types of surfboards, surf-travel and the environment help make this the only book you need to start on your exciting surfing adventure.

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