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Minority Shareholders: Law, Practice and Procedure
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Minority Shareholders: Law, Practice and Procedure
Author:Drake David (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Minority Rights have become more and more topical due to the rise in importance of corporate governance and the increase in shareholder activism. This well-established work on the law relating to minority shareholders provides practitioners with the most detailed reference on the subject. The book addresses the full impacts of the Companies Act 2006. It covers more than 50 new cases, including many relating to unfair prejudice (such as Neath Rugby Ltd, Southern Counties Fresh Foods Ltd and Sunrise Radio Ltd), as well as multiple derivative actions (Waddington v Chan). The book also has practical appendices which include a full range of forms, precedents and statutory material as well as parts of the Companies Act 2006 making this a complete resource for the practitioner. The newintroductory chapter is a useful outline of general issues such as the foundations of a derivative claim and the source of the complaint, giving a clear understanding of the legal practice and procedure. The well-regarded team, led by Victor Joffe QC, is joined by a new author, Tim Collingwood. He confers experience and expertise to the material on rights granted to shareholders.

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