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True Tale of the Monster Billy Dean
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Sprayed Concrete Lined Tunnels
Автор: Thomas Alun (EN)
Company of Women
True Tale of the Monster Billy Dean
Author:Almond David (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    I wos a secrit shy and tungtied emptyheded thing.I wos tort to read and rite and spell by my tenda littl muther & by Mr McCaufrey the butcha & by Missus Malone and her gosts.So I am not cleva, so please forgiv my folts and my mistayks.I am the won that glares into your harts & that prowls insyde yor deepist dremes.Wonce I was The Anjel Childe. Now I am The Monster.Just read and lissen and take note. Let the words enter yor blud & boans.I am Billy Dean. This is the truth. This is my tale.

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