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Visual Guide to Minecraft®
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Visual Guide to Minecraft®
Author:Clark James H. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Dig into Minecraft(R) with this (parent-approved) guide full of tips, hints, and projects! A Visual Guide to Minecraft(R) is written with younger players in mind and offers page after page of engaging age-appropriate content about the game. The book is packed with pictures, descriptions, and easy-to-follow projects for building everything from simple shelters to awesome redstone contraptions. After purchasing the book, you get access to more than three hours of free video that step you through engaging Minecraft(R) projects, from building a farm to shooting off fireworks. You'll discover how to Construct a quick shelter to help you survive your first night. Craft and enchant items, and make potions. Build nether portals and safely make your way around the nether. Create fantastic redstone projects, from automatic doors and light sensors to TNT cannons and fireworks launchers. Furnish your buildings with lights, appliances, paintings, flowerpots, and fireplacesand add perfect finishing touches. Make and manage efficient farms. Customize Minecraft(R) with mods, skins, and resource packs. Join a server and even host a game. Minecraft(R) is a trademark of Mojang Synergies/Notch Development AB. This book is not affiliated with or sponsored by Mojang Synergies/Notch Development AB.

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