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Building Touch Interfaces with HTML5
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Building Touch Interfaces with HTML5
Author:Woods Stephen (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    HTML5 is the ideal format for designing touch interfaces to meet the demands of the rapidly growing number of tablet and smartphone users. Building Touch Interfaces with HTML5: Develop and Design will show you how to create interfaces users love, whether you've never created anything for the mobile web or have been unsatisfied with your results. Rather than a simple how-to, this book walks you through the tools and concepts that make touch interfaces feel right. You'll learn about the limitations and strengths of touch devices, new interface conventions, and how to use CSS, JavaScript, and HTML5 APIs. This book includes: Easy step-by-step instruction, ample illustrations, and clear examples Real-world assignments to test your skills Insight into best practices from a veteran user-interface developer Emphasis on the skills you need to enter the exploding world of interface development using HTML5 Companion web page:www.peachpit.com/touchinterfacedd

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