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Ultimate Digital Music Guide
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Ultimate Digital Music Guide
Author:Miller Michael (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Everything You Need to Know about Digital Music! Your hard-core, up-to-the-minute, how-to guide Download, rip, store, organize, play, streamanything, anywhere Seriously into digital music? Best-selling how-to author, serious audiophile, and eclectic music-lover Michael Miller will help you get all the digital tunes you want, whenever and wherever you want them! Miller guides you through today's best new options, from iTunes to Spotifyhelps you make the most of social music, Internet radio, and cloud music serviceseven shows how to transform your home into a digital music paradise. This book is packed with practical answers, easy step-by-step instructions, insider tips, great ideas, and new music sources you never knew existed! For everyone who's passionate about music! *; Discover brand-new digital music services, sites, and devices that fit your lifestyle *; Find great new music on iTunes, Amazon, and sites you've never heard of *; Get the truth about piracy, file sharing, and copyright *; Find huge amounts of legally free music *; Rip, store, and organize: Build your perfect music library *; Determine the best audio file format and compression rate for your collection *; Create simply amazing playlists *; Stream songs anywhere, with Spotify, Pandora, Internet radio, and the cloud *; Get great sound from your iPod or iPhone on your home audio system *; Build a whole-house digital audio system, the easy way *; Choose your best next media player (Apple or otherwise) *; Find and share tunes on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and beyond

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