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Saving for Retirement (Without Living Like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery) Updated and Revised
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Saving for Retirement (Without Living Like a Pauper or Winning the Lottery) Updated and Revised
Author:MarksJarvis Gail (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Saving for Retirement will relieve confusion and barriers to action for Americans who are increasingly worried about retirement. The book removes everything from the readers' path that typically trips people up and hits the sweet spot for everyone aged 18 to 60. Using new figures (including troubling new projections of healthcare and long-term care costs), Gail MarkJarvis helps readers calculate exactly how much money they'll need and how to get there. She presents easy, proven investing strategies for anyone at any age that will transform pocket change into hundreds of thousands of dollars. Packed with her readers' personal stories, this book teaches powerful professional financial planning principles but makes them simple enough for anyone to apply on their own.

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