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Adobe Edge Animate on Demand
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Adobe Edge Animate on Demand
Author:Johnson Steve (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Need answers quickly? Adobe Edge Animate on Demand provides those answers in a visual step-by-step format. We will show you exactly what to do through lots of full color illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions. Inside the Book *; Download Edge Animate and other Edge tools from the web *; Take In-App lessons to learn how to use Edge Animate *; Create animations visually on the Stage *; Quickly create shapes and add text to use in animations *; Add web fonts to create unique designs *; Insert images produced in other Adobe programs *; Create interactive animations with JavaScript/jQuery *; Use snippets to quickly insert JavaScript code *; Create symbols to reuse content in different animations *; Test content on different browsers and devices *; Add animations to existing web pages *; Work with HTML and CSS to modify and enhance web pages *; Publish to the web, other Adobe programs, and iBooks Author Bonus Online Content Register your book at queondemand.com to gain access to: *; Workshops and related files Visit the author site: perspection.com Includes *; Online Workshops *; Step-by-Step Tasks in Full Color *; More than 300 of the Most Essential Edge Animate Tasks

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