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Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
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Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Author:Elliott J. Richard (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    A Practical, Up-to-Date Introduction to Applied Thermodynamics, Including Coverage of Process Simulation Models and an Introduction to Biological Systems Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Second Edition, helps readers master the fundamentals of applied thermodynamics as practiced today: with extensive development of molecular perspectives that enables adaptation to fields including biological systems, environmental applications, and nanotechnology. This text is distinctive in making molecular perspectives accessible at the introductory level and connecting properties with practical implications. Features of the second edition include Hierarchical instruction with increasing levels of detail: Content requiring deeper levels of theory is clearly delineated in separate sections and chapters Early introduction to the overall perspective of composite systems like distillation columns, reactive processes, and biological systems Learning objectives, problem-solving strategies for energy balances and phase equilibria, chapter summaries, and ';important equations' for every chapter Extensive practical examples, especially coverage of non-ideal mixtures, which include water contamination via hydrocarbons, polymer blending/recycling, oxygenated fuels, hydrogen bonding, osmotic pressure, electrolyte solutions, zwitterions and biological molecules, and other contemporary issues Supporting software in formats for both MATLAB(R) and spreadsheets Online supplemental sections and resources including instructor slides, ConcepTests, coursecast videos, and other useful resources

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