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Special Edition Using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (Adobe Reader)
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Special Edition Using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (Adobe Reader)
Author:Jelen Bill (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    THE ONLY EXCEL BOOK YOU NEED We crafted this book to grow with you, providing the reference material you need as you move toward Excel proficiency and use of more advanced features. If you buy only one book on Excel, Special Edition Using Microsoft(R) Office Excel(R) 2007 is the book you need. Does your life play out in a spreadsheet? Do numbers in columns and rows make or break you in the work world? Tired of having numbers kicked in your face by other Excel power users who make your modest spreadsheets look paltry compared to their fancy charts and pivot tables? If you answered yes to any of these questions, Special Edition Using Microsoft(R) Office Excel(R) 2007 is the bookthat will make it all better. Learn quickly and efficientlyfrom a true Excel master using the tried and true SpecialEdition Using formula for success. Here, you'll findinformation that's undocumented elsewhereeven inMicrosoft's own Help systems. You'll learn from finelycrafted, real-life examples built by an author who livesand dies by the integrity of his spreadsheets. Excel's backbone is its formulas and functions. Master those and you will master your spreadsheets. Special Edition Using Microsoft Office(R) Excel(R) 2007 provides more down and dirty help with your formulas and functions than you'll find in any other book! See how it's done in real life! Don't settle for lame pivot table and chart examples found in other books This book provides beautifully detailed examples that not only show you how it should be done, but how to be the local worksheet hero!

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