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Global Search Engine Marketing
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Global Search Engine Marketing
Author:Kennedy Anne F. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Global Search Engine Optimization: Fine-Tuning Your International Search Engine Results by Anne F. Kennedy and Kristjn Mr Hauksson is a SEMPO (Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization) recommended read. Use search to reach all your best customersworldwide! Don't settle for U.S.-only, English-only search marketing: master global search marketing, and reach all your most profitable customers and prospectswherever they are! Leading global search experts Anne Kennedy and Kristjn Mr Hauksson identify all the challenges associated with global search marketing, and offer proven solutions for every key issue, from culture and communication to technology and law. Discover surprising local differences in how people search, craft online marketing campaigns that reflect local cultures, and learn how to profit from tools and social platforms most North American marketers have never even heard of! ANNE F. KENNEDY, founder and managing partner of Beyond Ink, provides search engine marketing to companies worldwide. After providing search engine consulting to hundreds of companiesincluding Hearst Newspapers, Philips Lifeline, and Dunkin' Donutsand launching dotcoms Zillow and Avvo online, she formed an international online marketing consortium with Nordic eMarketing in Reykjavik, London, Stockholm, Rome, and Beijing. Anne was a founding member of the board of directors for Helium.com, acquired by publishing giant R.R. Donnelly in 2011. KRISTJN MR HAUKSSON has developed search marketing solutions since 1999. Hauksson's company, Nordic eMarketing, specializes in multilingual online communications, organic SEO, and search marketing in verticals such as tourism, finance, government, and pharmaceuticals. Kristjn founded Iceland's SEO/SEM forum, is on the board of SEMPO, and organizes the annual Reykjavik Internet Marketing Conference. You'll Learn How To: *; Build cost-effective campaigns that leverage commonalities in global search markets *; Choose the right search media for each marketincluding markets Google doesn't dominate *; Achieve higher rankings in search engines around the world *; Organize effective global pay-per-click campaigns *; Search-optimize online PR and other content *; Craft mobile sites and apps for international audiences *; Use web analytics to track KPIs in multilingual/multicultural campaigns *; Find the best non-U.S. information resources for better search marketing *; Prepare for the future of global search INCLUDES SPECIFIC SOLUTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS FOR: *; Brazil *; China, Hong Kong, Taiwan *; France *; Germany *; India *; Italy *; Japan *; Mexico *; Middle East *; North Africa *; French-speaking Canada *; Russia *; Nordic countries *; Singapore *; South Korea *; Spain *; Spanish-speaking South America *; The Netherlands *; United Kingdom

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