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Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials – Part II
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Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials – Part II
Author:McNamee J.M. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials - Part II along with Part I (9780444527295) covers most of the traditional methods for polynomial root-finding such as interpolation and methods due to Graeffe, Laguerre, and Jenkins and Traub. It includes many other methods and topics as well and has a chapter devoted to certain modern virtually optimal methods. Additionally, there are pointers to robust and efficient programs. This book is invaluable to anyone doing research in polynomial roots, or teaching a graduate course on that topic.First comprehensive treatment of Root-Finding in several decades with a description of high-grade software and where it can be downloadedOffers a long chapter on matrix methods and includes Parallel methods and errors where appropriateProves invaluable for research or graduate course

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