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Литмир - Электронная Библиотека > MacGregor Ronald J. (EN) > Theoretical Mechanics of Biological Neural Networks
Theoretical Mechanics of Biological Neural Networks
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Theoretical Mechanics of Biological Neural Networks
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Theoretical Mechanics of Biological Neural Networks presents an extensive and coherent discusson and formulation of the generation and integration of neuroelectric signals in single neurons. The approach relates computer simulation programs for neurons of arbitrary complexity to fundamental gating processes of transmembrance ionic fluxes of synapses of excitable membranes. Listings of representative computer programs simulating arbitrary neurons, and local and composite neural networks are included.* Develops a theory of dynamic similarity for characterising the firing rate sensitivites of neurons in terms of their characteristic anatomical and physiological parameters.* Presents the sequential configuration theory - a theoretical presentation of coordinated firing patterns in entire neural populations.* Presents the outlines of mechanics for multiple interacting networks in composite systems.

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