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Pleistocene Vertebrate Faunas of Hungary
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Pleistocene Vertebrate Faunas of Hungary
Author:Janossy D. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    The last two decades have seen a spectacular renewal of interest in the study of Pleistocene vertebrates. This is especially true in the case of fine stratigraphy based on microvertebrates. Hungary's natural endowments as well as the development of science in the country, have made continuous research in this area possible since the last century.The literature amassed during the last fifty years is so scattered and difficult to retrieve that there has been a great need for a comprehensive treatise in this field. Recent decades have seen work in a series of important new localities, with new systematic-stratigraphic results. This Hungarian work is outstanding in Europe for its quantity and completeness. It is clear that a handbook would have to be both comprehensive and analytical. This volume aims to be just that, in so far as it describes all animal assemblages of the Hungarian Pleistocene deposits, with complete faunistic lists and with detailed explanation of the stratigraphical arrangements. The value of this book is enhanced by a series of chronological tables for various localities, several sketches, pictures of localities, as well as indexes of localities and species.

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