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Retail Crime, Security, and Loss Prevention
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Evolutionary Essays:
Retail Crime, Security, and Loss Prevention
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Retail Crime, Security, and Loss Prevention is destined to become the "go to" source of crime- and loss prevention- related information in the retail industry. Written and edited by two nationally recognized retail security experts and enhanced with 63 contributions by others who contribute expertise in specialized areas, this book provides over 150 definitions of loss prevention terms, and discusses topics ranging from accident investigations, counterfeit currency, emergency planning, and workplace violence to vendor frauds. No other single work contains such a wealth of retail security information.The co-authors are Charles "Chuck Sennewald, CSC, CPP former Director of Security at The Broadway Department Stores, a major division of Carter Hawley Hale Stores, Inc., founder of the IAPSC and author of numerous security industry books, and John Christman, CPP, former VP and Director of Security for Macy's West. They have put in one book a wealth of information, techniques, procedures and source material relative to retail crime and loss prevention which will prove an invaluable reference work for professionals at all levels within the industry.* Tables, current industry figures, and statistics fully articulate the impact of loss prevention and theft in the retail setting* Case examples from the authors' own experience illustrate real-world problems and connect theory to practice* The most complete book available on retail security

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