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Polymer Synthesis and Characterization
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Автор: David Peter (EN)
Star Called Henry
Автор: Doyle Roddy (EN)
Ghost Who Haunted the Capitol
Polymer Synthesis and Characterization
Author:Sandler Stanley R. (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    This laboratory manual covers important techniques for polymer synthesis and characterization, and provides newcomers with a comprehensive introduction to the basic principles of highlighted techniques. The reader will benefit from the clear writing style and straightforward approach to fairly complex ideas. The book also provides references that the more advanced reader can use to obtain in-depth explanations of techniques. Polymer Synthesis and Characterization will serve as a useful resource for industrial technicians and researchers in polymer chemistry and physics, material science, and analytical chemistry.Key Features* Combines the extensive industrial and teaching experience of the authors* Introduces the user to the concept of "Good Manufacturing Practice"* Presents experiments that are representative of a wide variety of polymerization and characterization methods* Includes numerous references for more advanced students, technicians, and researcher

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