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Fast Multipole Methods for the Helmholtz Equation in Three Dimensions
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Fast Multipole Methods for the Helmholtz Equation in Three Dimensions
Author:Gumerov Nail A (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    This volume in the Elsevier Series in Electromagnetism presents a detailed, in-depth and self-contained treatment of the Fast Multipole Method and its applications to the solution of the Helmholtz equation in three dimensions. The Fast Multipole Method was pioneered by Rokhlin and Greengard in 1987 and has enjoyed a dramatic development and recognition during the past two decades. This method has been described as one of the best 10 algorithms of the 20th century. Thus, it is becoming increasingly important to give a detailed exposition of the Fast Multipole Method that will be accessible to a broad audience of researchers. This is exactly what the authors of this book have accomplished. For this reason, it will be a valuable reference for a broad audience of engineers, physicists and applied mathematicians.The Only book that provides comprehensive coverage of this topic in one location.Presents a review of the basic theory of expansions of the Helmholtz equation solutionsComprehensive description of both mathematical and practical aspects of the fast multipole method and it's applications to issues described by the Helmholtz equation

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